This Full Pink Moon Goddess print is of the original painting that I did for the cover of the April Full Moon Mysteries Guidebook. The name of the painting is, “The Galaxy Dwells Within Her”, and her message to us all this full moon is that we are more expansive that we could possibly imagine! Just like the universe around our planet is ever expanding so is the galaxy inside each of us and there is no end to the abundance, joy, power of love in everyone who wishes to connect with it.
The print is 8 x 10 inches with a pearl finish printed using archival ink. Watermark will not appear on the print.
Price includes shipping and handling in Canada and the Continental U.S. I welcome international orders please contact me for shipping rates.
If you are interested in receiving the monthly Full Moon Mysteries Guidebook just go to the main page of my website and sign up for my newsletter. The guidebook goes out to newsletter subscribers on the day before the full moon each month.
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