Unusual Places to Find Creative Inspiration
Creative inspiration is really all around us, we just have to be willing to take the time to look for it. There are some very obvious places to look for inspiration such as an art
Embrace your innate creativity to find clarity and change within yourself.
Creative inspiration is really all around us, we just have to be willing to take the time to look for it. There are some very obvious places to look for inspiration such as an art
I want to start sharing monthly book reviews on my blog, since Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic has been quite popular in creative circles I thought I would start with it. I bought the book
Our books are bound completely by hand using a fourth century method known as Coptic Binding. Coptic Bound Journals feature an intricate and painstakingly beautiful, non-adhesive binding with exposed knotted stitching across an open spine.
The need to create runs deep within the human psyche, we all have it. I know many who say they don’t have a creative bone in their body and that always breaks my heart, but
Resistance, resistance…oh how I hate thee! Insidious monster that crawls out from under the furniture to claw me away from my art studio. You distract me with all things left undone, dust bunnies in the corner,