Can I really blog every day for a month?
Honestly I think I can’t but I’m going to try. My artsy friend Effy Wild put out a challenge to her community to blog every day for the month of September. Blogging more often, actually even just writing more often is on my to do list so I thought why not join in. I used to blog a lot more but when I got my new website designed a year ago my web designer put Yoast SEO indicators on my blog page. Now this is a sensible thing to do when you are building a website who’s purpose is to help you build a business and an audience so she was doing her job, and I love my website. But that SEO thing really took the fun out of blogging. I didn’t understand much of it, didn’t know where to find help and I got sick and tired of Yoast telling me that my blog posts suck!!!
So often I have wanted to scream at my computer, “how is my post not readable?!?!” Its in English, the words make sense they are strung together in a legible manner! What the hell is meta data??? What on earth are stop words??? I could go on and on and on. Now with time I have learned a little more about this but still focusing on it just isn’t fun, so basically I quit blogging. I want to write for the joy of writing, for the thrill of communicating what I am thinking, feeling and have come to know in life. I just want to share my art and help others.
So for this month I’ve decided I’m not going to worry about the SEO, I’m not even going to look at it. I’m just going to blog and share what’s in my head and on my heart. That’s it!!!
If you want to play along you can find the info for the Blog Along here