About Deanna Jinjoe

Greetings, thank you for stopping by my online art studio!
I am an artist and book maker enjoying life on beautiful Vancouver Island. Pursuing creativity is my passion. I believe that every single one of us is creative in our own way and that tapping into that creativity can truly change your life.
Stuck in a job I hated, experiencing 15 to 16 migraines a month and battling chronic physical pain that barely let me sleep more than an hour a night. I was at the end of rope and I had no idea what to do about it.
A sketchbook and some paints caught my eye; I brought them home with me. What I quickly came to realize is that no matter how much pain I was in when I sat down to play with my art supplies…
I no longer felt that pain.

It was like all my pain existed in the logical, left hemisphere of my brain and as I created I moved into the creative, non-linear right brain and I no longer felt the pain.
I cannot begin to express what a gift this freedom from pain was, even if it was only for a brief time I had control again!!!
This was one of the most empowering experiences I have ever had.
I realized the amazing power of a consistent creative practice. For me making art isn’t about always creating a masterpiece, its just simply about the process of creating.
No matter who you are . . .
…or where your areas of interest lie, a creative practice will enhance you life, I promise!
It isn’t about talent, it isn’t even about creating something that is visually appealing, it is simply about the act of creation.
We are all creative beings and tapping into that creativity can be one of the best gifts you ever give yourself.

The goal of A New Day Art Studio
I am not a fine artist,
nor do I aspire to be a fine artist;
I do not have a degree or an institutional art education and yet my work can be found in homes and businesses across North America as my work has resonated with my collectors.
I am an individual that loves learning and exploring new things.
Over the years this desire has encouraged me to pursue training as a Creatively Fit Certified Coach™ and a Conscious Dance Facilitator.